Allied Health Technology logo consisting of the letters AHT

Allied Health Technology
Ph: 0425 775 096

T-Protect product. Protecting health and equipment T-Protect product with packaging Kwik AHTic Assessment Software an easy to use online articulation and phonology assessment AHTic articulation speech therapy game - Connector AHTic articulation speech therapy game - Memory Spark RMS software screenshot of notifications Spark RMS software screenshot of client case notes

Allied Health Technology

Allied Health Technology specialises in providing web-based applications and solutions for Allied Health Professionals. From efficient and intuitive capture of medical records, through to assessment, planning and intervention modules, our products minimise data entry and maximise client contact. Our products and services are built by Allied Health Professionals for Allied Health Professionals and always keep the user and their client needs at their core.

At the core of Allied Health Technology products is our medical record keeping system Spark RMS, which integrates with a range of assessment and intervention modules to capture and analyse data in real time, thereby creating efficiences for clinicians and eliminating double handling of information.

We collaborate with a range of Allied Helth Professionals, including Speech Pathologists, Psychologists, Occupational Therapists, and Physiotherapists to provide ongoingfeedback and enhancement about our products.

We provide secure, end-to-end integrated systems for small businesses to large organisations. We recognise that not every healthcare technology solution or idea is available out-of-the-box and work to create and tailor solutions to your needs and specific requirements. Contact us to discuss your allied health technology needs.

SparkRMS Software Logo
Kwik AHTic Software Logo
AHTic Software Logo
T-Protect product - Protecting health and equipment